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Today is a significant milestone for the new venture I’m helping, ForgeRock. We’ve announced availability of our first full independent release of OpenAM, the open source authentication and access management system. If you look at the release, you’ll see it’s a significant update, with SAML2 support, fine-grained authentication controls and a host of other improvements.

It’s significant for open source because it signals that the OpenAM community – especially the part on ForgeRock’s own team – is up to speed maintaining and evolving the code and that the transition from its former home is going well. And it’s important to OpenSSO customers because it finally gives them a smooth upgrade path from the version 8 of Sun’s old OpenSSO product, which most of them are using.

My congratulations go out to the whole community for their work, but especially to the ForgeRock team who have been working flat out to make it happen – especially Steve, who really deserves a break! Great job, everyone!