☞ Who Will Watch The Watchmen?

  • “Every email, phone call and website visit is to be recorded and stored after the Coalition Government revived controversial Big Brother snooping plans.”

    Despite promises from both the Conservatives and the Lib-Dems during the election to end the surveillance state, the crazy, abusive idea of making ISPs keep records of every UK internet connection and phone call for at least a year so that they can be used for investigations have been revived. Their earlier promises are still there on the web, and we still remember them, yet they have absolutely no shame. I am disgusted at these hypocrites.

  • “Once again, then, it is clear that the only fair and practical solution for open standards is RF: Restriction-Free licensing.”

  • Given how well-funded the pernicious hydra FSFE (and the rest of us) are fighting actually is, I remain amazed that meaningful opposition is even possible. Huge kudos to FSFE (of which I am a proud member) for keeping this battle going against all odds, even despite Quislings.