State Of The Rat Technology

While we’re on the subject of mandatory filtering, here’s the sort of technology we are talking about in action:

The original State Of The Rat Technology:

Now removed, the original post that triggered this page was from the owner of a mole rat complaining that her photos of her rat were being incorrectly tagged as pornography and consequently her account kept getting blocked.

Political content is so easy to spot:

That reference database is spot on defining ownership:

History and classics are not always PC:


Icicles, originally uploaded by webmink.

The thaw in the Deep South is in full swing; even these icicles have dripped away from the office window now.

Snowy Branches

Snowy Branches, originally uploaded by webmink.

Snow is something of a novelty where we live, despite being in England. The mildness that results from being on the coast seems somehow magnified by the rivers and the shape of the landscape, with the result that snow almost never settles here. To make the most of the novelty, we took an evening walk and enjoyed the brightness present even at a cloudy dusk.

Dawn Tree

Dawn Tree, originally uploaded by webmink.

One of the advantages of the irregular sleep patterns I’ve been experiencing lately post-travel is I get to see the early dawn sometimes. This was the view from the bedroom window this week.

✈ Gondola Yard

I was in Italy on business this week and as I was flying in and out of Venice airport had the chance to spend a half-day in Venice. It was foggy and damp, but still enjoyable to walk around for a while. While I was there I stumbled on the gondola maintenance yard. It had to be there in Venice somewhere, but I’d never seen it before. It was clearly a place that had been there for a very long time – since the 17th century, apparently.

✈ Heading West To SFO

The Sierra NevadaYosemite - Half Dome and Vernal FallsDrawbridge, the ghost-town in San Francisco BayIMG_0283New Facebook CampusIMG_0292

Heading West To SFO, a set on Flickr.

A delightfully clear afternoon flying across Nevada to San Francisco allowed me to take some splendid photographs. Check out especially the shot of Half Dome and the colours of the salt pans in San Francisco Bay.

✈ Pie Charts In The Plains






Pie Charts In The Plains, a set on Flickr.

Flying from Chicago to San Francisco today I was struck by the fact that there were bar charts, pie charts and many more visible everywhere.

⚡ Garden Monster

Garden Monster, originally uploaded by webmink.

Spotted this vapourer moth caterpillar eating the leaves on one of my blueberry bushes. Glad it’s only 3cm long 🙂

✈ Old Vienna Reflected In New Vienna

✈ San Francisco and The Bay Bridge

I’ve been quite lucky with shots taken from aircraft. My photo of Mount Shasta has been purchased by a publisher as an illustration in a geology textbook, and my photo of the San Francisco Bay salt pans has been used to make fabric for an exhibition in San Jose. I still try to get a window seat if I know I will be traversing interesting areas.