✈ The Lesson of the Pantheon Roof

Originally posted on The Global Mink:
Pantheon Roof, a photo by webmink on Flickr. Probably the most amazing artefact of the ancient world I have seen, the Pantheon in Rome, started life as a Roman temple to all the gods around 27 BC. When it became a Christian church in 609 AD it was already…

✈ I Always Wanted A Portico

I Always Wanted A Portico, originally uploaded by webmink. This house in Edinburgh has a grand classical portico – on the roof of the house next door! Never let practicality get in the way of your dreams! (sample of the daily posts from The Global Mink)

✈ New Travel Blog

If you aren’t following my new travel blog, do give it a try!

✈ Eco Mower

Originally posted on The Global Mink:
Eco Mower, a photo by webmink on Flickr. Cows are respected as a symbolic spiritual presence in India. They roam the streets freely and are described as “sacred”. I took this photograph on the Raj Path in Delhi. One of the gardeners there was using the cow to pull…

✈ Behind the façade

Behind the façade. The architect who designed this church in Venice (Chiesa di San Vidal) tried to hide the building behind it, but ordinary life goes on behind the façade. There’s an ice cream shop doing brisk business, and the apartments above the shop seem to have no relation to the huge church window on […]

✈ Gondola Yard

Squero di San Trovaso. I was in Italy on business this week and as I was flying in and out of Venice airport had the chance to spend a half-day in Venice. It was foggy and damp, but still enjoyable to walk around for a while. While I was there I stumbled on the gondola […]

✈ Available For US Engagements

I expect to be in the USA in early-to-mid May (and possibly again in July). If you would like me to speak at a private or public event, or to provide consulting services, I would be pleased to hear from you.  Combining multiple engagements saves money, saves energy and is good for us all!  Please […]

✈ Yosemite HD

I need to go back.


I’m pleased to say I’ll be delivering a short keynote at FOSDEM on February 4th at noon, explaining the new governance plans for the Open Source Initiative and announcing news of progress on the first steps of implementing them. Many thanks to the Programme Committee for their flexibility in arranging this.

✈ T-DOSE in Eindhoven

I’m just setting out for Eindhoven in The Netherlands, where I will be delivering the keynote at 10:00 tomorrow (Saturday November 5th) at T-DOSE. I’ll be considering how open source springs from a wider trend that also includes the Occupy* movement, and explaining why businesses should specify software freedom in their procurement activities. I’d love […]