☝ All About RAND

What does “RAND” really mean for open source? It’s the key issue in the current UK government standards consultation (which I really ask you to complete). I’ve tried to explain why RAND and open source don’t mix in my article for ComputerWorldUK today.

☝ Open Source And Cut-Throat Competition

If your perception of open source is that it’s all about volunteers and hobbyists working selflessly for the betterment of humanity, the cloud computing market today will be shattering your illusions. I explain more in my article today on InfoWorld.

☝ Speculating About Microsoft’s New Subsidiary

Microsoft just launched a new subsidiary to interact with open source communities. I’ve seen plenty of “what they did” reporting but so far no “why”. My (highly speculative) offering is intended to catalyse some real answers. You’ll find it at ComputerWorldUK today.

☝ A New Kind Of “Public”

As wave after wave of privacy news arrives, it’s easy to believe that public postings on social media sites are the problem. But I believe we are facing an issue caused not by public sharing but by an encounter with a new kind of “public”. Read my article on ComputerWorldUK today to find out more.

☝ Who Loses If Oracle Wins?

Talking to people about the Oracle-Google case which comes to court on April 16th, I realised much of the background knowledge that explains things is lost to the current generation of developers. My article on InfoWorld this week looks at that background as well as a possible bad consequence of the case for open source […]

☝ Profitable Freedom

My column on InfoWorld today connects the dots of the pragmatic value of software freedom to the CIO and the success of Red Hat. Open source delivers cost saving via freedom, not just by being cheap on licenses.

☝ Magic Editable PDFs

Please stop sending .DOC or .DOCX files as attachments to your e-mails. There is a better way. Send editable PDFs. I explain how in ComputerWorldUK today.

☝ Will mobile devices trigger the year of the Linux desktop?

The enterprise IT world is coming to grips with a new buzz-TLA; “BYOD”. It stands for Bring Your Own Device and considers the way employees are bringing their own laptops, tables and smart-phones to work and using them in the overlap of life and work. There’s a growing industry of companies who want to help you stop […]

☝ 7 Google+ Tips

I’ve expanded my earlier posting about Google+ and you’ll find not five but seven tips over on ComputerWorldUK today!

☝ Why Cuban Hates Patents

Why does a successful entrepreneur like Mark Cuban hate software patents so much? Surely they are just the sort of business tool he would value? I explain why in my Friday column on InfoWorld today.