⚡ Digital Rights Are Just Human Rights, Online

(with thanks to SMBC, who are so generous with their images they even generate the HTML to embed them on your blog)

⚡ Scutter Prototypes

In the humourous cult sci-fi TV series Red Dwarf, which is set aboard a space ship far in the future, the ship is cleaned and maintained by odd-job-robots called Scutters. Watching this demonstration of the aerial robotic equivalent of synchronised swimming makes me think of them. [youtube http://youtu.be/_sUeGC-8dyk] On another note: yes, I want one, I […]

⚡ LibreOffice Video

Loved this new video that introduces LibreOffice in an easy and understandable way. [youtube http://youtu.be/sloEMUt7n5Q] It would be great to have some more LibreOffice videos like this and I know there are folk reading this who could make them – how about it?

⚡ Catness

Another good Simon’s Cat animation.  For the record, the large one is indeed mine and the small one is my daughter’s…

⚡ UK Public Holiday Monday

Just in case you’re not aware, the UK* has its end-of-the-summer public holiday tomorrow so none of your UK contacts will be at work (unless they’re hiding out in the office to avoid something…)  See you Tuesday! *Except Scotland, who do things differently

⚡ Garden Monster

Garden Monster, originally uploaded by webmink. Spotted this vapourer moth caterpillar eating the leaves on one of my blueberry bushes. Glad it’s only 3cm long 🙂

⚡ One To Follow


⚡ It was a slow day among the microbloggers…

⚡ Investment


⚡ Tune In
