☝ The Risky Cloud

Heavy CloudIt used to take a bailiff and a man with an axe for the door, but the cloud makes it so much easier. If I told you that your entire business infrastructure could be taken offline by a government employee, or even a commercial provider, without judicial review, useful explanation or workable recourse, perhaps because a politician has philosophical issues with your activities, would that worry you? Yet it seems that the most popular brands on the market for cloud computing and web services place you at that risk if you follow the trend to cloud hosting for business infrastructure.


Continued over on ComputerWorldUK

☞ Meta-Wikileaks

  • Dan Gillmor on leaks and journalism:

    “By [Washington Post journalist] Krauthammer’s sick standards, the death squads should be converging soon on his own offices, as well as those of the Times and London’s Guardian and more.”

  • Glenn Greenwald forcefully argues that the reaction against Wikileaks from the US establishment is lawless and unforgiveable.
  • Fascinating overview of Julian Assange’s motivations and philosophies which has led to some people describing him as a peaceful peer of the Unabomber…
  • Groklaw says licensees of OIN’s patents have a perpetual licence to those Novell patents – which Microft just paid hale a billion dollars for – as long as they join the scheme before the Deal closes in January. Glad we joined ForgeRock to OIN.