☝ Non-Centralised Infrastructure

After discovering BitCoin (where such a large number of people were kind enough to send small donations to 1LfdGnGuWkpSJgbQySxxCWhv8MHqvwst3 that I’m now considering paying for my VoIP with it)  I’ve been accumulating a list of other non-centralised infrastructure that might evolve into something that’s both effective and Senator-proof. The list is posted on my blog over at ComputerWorldUK.

☞ Apache Quits The JCP

  • The Apache Software Foundation quits Java’s governing body claiming that

    “[the] JCP is not an open specification process … Java specifications are proprietary technology that must be licensed directly from the spec lead under whatever terms the spec lead chooses”

  • Oracle’s response to Apache quitting the JCP, which pointedly ignores their actual reasons for doing so and instead pretends they are in some way anti-Java or anti-progress.
  • Apache’s President lays in to Oracle as Apache quits both the EC and the JCP, not least over their statement that “Oracle provides TCK licenses under fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms consistent with its obligations under the JSP.”


  • Exposed: TSA’s X-rated scanner fraud
    Interesting report of independent analysis suggesting reliance on nudie-scanners will lead to a false sense of security given they are easily fooled.