☞ New Order

  • And rightly so. They are as bad as Guantanamo, punishment without end for people accused of being a threat without conviction and with secret evidence. The fact the Lib-Dems have not done away with them as they promised shows their presence in the UK government is a sham and that we are actually governed by old-style Conservatives with no respect for anyone but their rich friends.
  • Setting up broadband really isn’t rocket science, so it would be exciting to see more communities take matters into their own hands the way this one has done.
  • Useful round-up of the diaspora Oracle induced. It’s events like this that re-seed the computer industry and cause future innovation and growth.

☆ Giving Up Yahoo

NO YAHOO!Yahoo Messenger is the only IM network I use where I am bothered daily by spam-porn-bots attempting to add me to their contact lists. Some days there are as many as 10 requests waiting when I log in. I don’t know what it is about Yahoo that makes their service so scummy, but it’s not stopping and I’m tired of it.

I don’t remember the last time anyone I actually wanted to talk with used Yahoo Messenger, so this blog posting is a request to anyone who knows me and uses Yahoo Messenger to make sure you have an account on something else – pretty much anything else, actually 🙂 – so we can stay in touch. I plan to remove Y! from Pidgin, Adium and the rest on Tuesday.