☞ Abuses

☆ Document Foundation Member

Having applied for membership as soon as the process was announced, I’m honoured to have been accepted today as a Member of The Document Foundation. Having been associated with OpenOffice.org for over a decade in a variety of capacities, I have a deep appreciation of what has been achieved both technically in creating a cross-platform productivity suite and politically in challenging what looked like an entrenched monopoly.

Today, LibreOffice and ODF have a maturity and global acceptance that even those of us imagining the possibilities at the start of the previous decade could not have anticipated. I look forward to working with the Steering Committee and the rest of the community to continue the amazing achievements to date.

☂ Transparency and Privacy Article Available

I’ve edited the article on balancing transparency and privacy in open source communities that appeared here and on CWUK earlier to reflect conversations on identi.ca and elsewhere and you’ll now find it in the Essays section.

☞ Mobile Issues

☝ Open Source Landmark

News just broke jointly from the US Department of Justice and the German Federal Cartel Office that they have directed CPTN to change the way they acquire Novell’s software patents so that the open source community is protected, just as OSI and FSFE requested

Read my views  on CWUK.

☞ Sweetness and Strength

  • “I have eliminated refined sugar from my diet and eat as little as I possibly can,” Thompson told me, “because I believe ultimately it’s something I can do to decrease my risk of cancer.” Cantley put it this way: “Sugar scares me.”

    The Lustig video first alerted me to this issue, and the more I hear about it, the harder I try to eliminate sugar from my diet. This article is very long but I think it’s very important and I urge you to take the time to read it.

  • The Document Foundation points out the one glaring omission from Oracle’s statement about OpenOffice.org – there is already a community actively taking the project forward. Donations would clearly be more than welcome, though, and TDF is now open for membership applications.
  • I’m confirmed as a speaker at FISL this year. FISL is one of the world’s largest software freedom events and certainly the most important in South America. If you can make it, do so!

⚡ It was a slow day among the microbloggers…

☞ Secure and Open

  • Presumably this is the simplified version and there’s a security professional who truly understands the nature of multi-factor authentication behind this development. Two things I expected to see mentioned and didn’t: open standards (it would be a massive mistake to select a proprietary approach) and national identity cards.
  • A helpful SEO spammer used text from this paper in a comment on my blog and drew my attention to it. Very interesting explanation of why control detracts from community. Remember, trade control for influence!

☞ Betrayals

  • A Legacy at Risk: How the new Ministry of Culture in Brazil reversed its digital agenda

    a new generation that has risen for the first time to debate the future of culture and technology policies in Brazil. Inadvertently, the new Minister Ana de Hollanda is contributing to the emergence of new generation of voices online. One now can only hope that she will eventually listen to them.

    A sad betrayal – by the same political party that originally cultivated it – of the hard work and enthusiasm so many creative and generous people have invested to date. I hope Ana de Hollanda has the courage to attend FISL this summer and hear first-hand how Brazil’s digital natives feel about her sell-out to the recording industry. I for one would love to speak with her.

  • Rather surprised to see Oracle pulling out of OpenOffice so soon (because that’s what this press release says once you’ve decrypted it).  I had assumed they would give it at least 18 months to prove itself under their leadership. Let’s hope they do the right thing and work with The Document Foundation to re-unite the project into a single community.

✈ Going To OSCON

I just got a very welcome e-mail – an acceptance for my talk at OSCON in Portland this July. I’ll be speaking on Thursday morning, on this subject:

Most open source start-ups have some sort of lock on the code – dual licensing, contributor agreements, “open core” add-ons and more. But is it possible to start a profitable company without any of those – with just skilled people delivering expert service and developing new code in the community? I don’t just think it’s possible – I’m doing it!

All things being equal I’ll be planning another ForgeRock party while I’m there – watch this space for details!